Welcome to OSU Extension’s Print on Demand System (PODS). This is a secure site for OSU personnel to order OSU Fact Sheets to be printed and shipped to the county extension office or on-campus address. If you want to visit OSU Extension’s fact sheet site, go to https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets. You can see a full list of fact sheets available for ordering at https://pods.okstate.edu/fact-sheet-list.
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New and Updated Fact Sheets
PSS-3005 Sorghum Herbicide Rotation Restrictions to Soybeans in Oklahoma
AFS-3920 Body Condition of Horses
PSS-2129 Failed Cotton Herbicide Rotation Restrictions to Sorghum in Oklahoma$0.00
FCS-2253 The Power of Father Engagement with Kids$0.00
AGEC 338 The Economic Cost of a Bale of Hay Spreadsheet User’s Manual$0.00
CR-2143 2023-2024 Small Grains Variety Performance Tests$0.00
FCS-2426 Dads Making a Difference: Staying Connected in Challenging Times$0.00
PSS-2183 Using harvest aids in Oklahoma grain sorghum production
CR 2141 Fall Forage Production and First Hollow Stem Date for Wheat Varieties During the 2023-2024 Crop Year$0.00